bird in the nest 意味

  • 巣についた鳥


  1. there is a bird's father and a bird in the nest


        bird nest:    バード?ネスト
        bird's nest:    {名} :
        bird's-nest:    {名} : クローネスト
        bird building a nest:    巣を作る鳥
        bird's nest soup:    
        bird's-nest soup:    ツバメの巣のスープ
        edible bird's nest:    edible bird's nest 燕巣 えんそう
        nest:     1nest n. (鳥 動物 昆虫などの)巣; ねぐら; 巣窟(そうくつ). 【動詞+】 The mother bird abandoned the nest. 母鳥は巣を捨てた bring a hornet's nest about one's ears (比喩的に)大騒ぎを引き起こす; 自ら求めて多くの敵を作る build a nest 巣を作る
        nest in:    ~に巣を作る
        on the nest:    (男が)性交して
        to nest:    to nest 巣籠る すごもる
        bird:     bird n. 鳥; 《口語》 やつ, 人. 【動詞+】 The berries attract a lot of birds. その実はたくさんの鳥を引き寄せる breed birds 鳥を飼育する The dog flushed some birds from the bush. 犬が茂みから鳥を追い立てた The singer got
        in bird:    投獄{とうごく}されて
        ant nest:    アリの巣
        ants' nest:    アリの巣


  1. "bird house" 意味
  2. "bird in a cage" 意味
  3. "bird in flight" 意味
  4. "bird in the hand" 意味
  5. "bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" 意味
  6. "bird influenza" 意味
  7. "bird injury" 意味
  8. "bird legs" 意味
  9. "bird life" 意味
  10. "bird in the hand" 意味
  11. "bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" 意味
  12. "bird influenza" 意味
  13. "bird injury" 意味

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